December 10, 2022

Midwinter Blessings – A Yuletime Craft


Can you believe it’s December? Soon we’ll be moving into another year, filled with possibilities and blessings. While decorating my house for the summer solstice (lots of fresh flowers from the garden!) I thought of you all in the Northern Hemispehere, and decided to put together a sweet little something I’ve done before for the Yule season.

I love crafting things, even with my uncoordinated hands – not that this matters, because I enjoy it anyway, and intention and fun is what matters.

Yule blessings firestarter:

You’ll need:
A nice pinecone
Non-toxic paste
Salt, rosemary, other decorations. (I used dried lavender, because that’s what I had at hand)
Printed or hand-written blessings. (Here I used wrapping paper off-cuttings, so they wouldn’t go to waste)

Write out on strips of paper the blessings you wish for yourself and your household over the coming year. Roll up the blessings and tuck them into your pinecone – glue them if necessary.


Decorate your pinecone as you feel appropriate, being aware that this will be going into the fire, so you don’t want to use anything toxic.

Use this blessing pinecone to start the fire for your yule log. As you watch it burn, know that your wishes and blessings are being carried out into the world on their smoke.

Blessed be.

Katherine Genet is the author of the Wilde Grove mythic/visionary fiction series, as well as complementary non-fiction. She has been walking a pagan path for 30 years and is a shamanic Druid, spirit worker, and priestess of  Elen of the Ways.

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  1. Lisa Anderson

    I love this idea. We are surrounded by pines, so a wealth of pine cones. Perfect project for tomorrow. Brightest blessings!

  2. Lisa Anderson

    I love this idea. We are surrounded by pines, so a wealth of pine cones. Perfect project for tomorrow. Brightest blessings!


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