To The Forgotten Dead At Samhain

To The Forgotten Dead At Samhain

To the Forgotten Dead at Samhain: (By Athena Macmillan) Tonight in the darknessI remember those who were forgottenI memorialize you – the unknown, the unloved, the unwanted. Women who were lost to us, how did you pass?Were you old and alone, crossing over with...
Beltane Blessings Of Growth And Abundance

Beltane Blessings Of Growth And Abundance

Beltane Blessings! Tis the lovely month of May! Gentle, warm weather and the smell of spring rain seduce Mama Nature’s creatures – plants and animals – into Her multiplicities of seeds, catkins, and pollen.  Flowers trumpet their openness to multiply, tempting bees...
Mabon and Your Inner Storehouse

Mabon and Your Inner Storehouse

While the fine weather lingers and is often at its most stable this time of year, the shadows also lengthen in the mellow autumn sunshine, and we begin to feel a chill at night. Mabon is also known as the Autumnal Equinox when night and day are equal to each other....
Spring’s Balance And Abundance

Spring’s Balance And Abundance

Ostara, or Spring (Vernal) Equinox, occurs in the northern hemisphere when the sun passes the equator moving from south to north. The Latin “equinox” translates into “equal night” and the day marks when daylight and night are equal.  It is an celestial act, literally....