About Us

We’re on a mission to bring connection, reverence, and joy back to all our lives. 

Wych Elm Books 

The world is our community.

Our stories connect us. 

It began with more than a vision – it began with a calling and an imperative. Use your talents to make the world a better place.

I’m Katherine Genet, author, publisher, and polytheist pagan, and Wych Elm Books might be small in size, but we’re aiming to make a big difference in your life. Here, we publish the books that show you the way, that inspire you towards connection, with your own self, with each other, and with the world, physical and spiritual, around you.

We don’t shy away from the difficult subjects. Life is difficult even while it is filled with beauty. Life presents challenges even while it is filled with joy. You’ll find books here about living – and dying – well.

Our speciality is fiction that teaches even while it does not preach. Stories that inspire and immerse you in the experiences of the magical life your soul calls for. We don’t stop there, however – we also bring you non-fiction that goes into the ideas, concepts, and magic, taking you ever deeper.

Come sit under the Wych Elm and read awhile. We promise you the adventure your soul craves. 


Our team


Kate Genet
Publisher/ Author
Valerie Clare Genet
Cover Artist/ Editor
Morgana Jude
Katy Anderson
Audiobook Narrator