August 17, 2023

Rise Up to Riches


I recently had the pleasure of writing a foreword for a lovely book called Riches For Witches, by Sheena Cundy. It’s the second book in her non-fiction series, and she’s written a fiction series as well that begins with the book The Madness and the Magic, which rather sums it up, really – a fun ride through the dangers of doing magic while under the influesnce of brandy and menopause. 

Sheena’s book Riches For Witches is an offering that goes far beyond the surface, taking us deep into what living an abundant life looks like. Our sensibilities align in that both Sheena and I are all about living a magical, rewarding life by walking a path of gratitude and deep awareness. 

Here’s an excerpt from the book that Sheena has let me share with you. Enjoy! 

At sunrise, go outside into nature (a garden or a park), somewhere you can see the horizon clearly, facing the east, and watch that magnificent ball of fire ascending in the sky. Feast your eyes on the colours as they spread over the horizon and watch the magic of nature in action. It’s a truly amazing phenomenon don’t you think? And it happens every single day.

Imagine you are seeing through the eyes of one who is witnessing it for the first time. Now is the time to connect with your inner child. Think of all the things you have to be glad about. As you ponder on these thoughts and feel them in your heart, sense a smile spreading from the heart and around the rest of your body. As the sun rises, raise both arms, feeling your smile creep across your face. How good does that feel? This solar power brings you life; it brings you the spark of creation and feeds your soul with its life-giving energy.

Take that power into your body and absorb it through every cell. Feel its radiance within. Acknowledge it as the source of all life, and see its rays illuminating the whole planet. Allow its spirit to fill you with energy and a fresh perspective.

To immerse yourself deeper into the magic of the sun, try this pathworking on for size…and enjoy the experience: Pathworking with the Sun

The Power of Mantra 

A mantra is a specific intention distilled into a short phrase to repeatedly think, say or sing. Using this powerful tool works on the mind and body to influence your actions in every positive way. Mantras are a fun and easy way to create your magic and cast it out into the universe.

The key factor with a mantra is the feeling behind it. This is easy to do when you’re singing and embodying the magic. All the while you’re doing this, you are building good relations with the Abundance in your life.

And here is one to infuse your mind and body with the spirit of Abundance!
Listen HERE

Abundance Chant

I am abundance, I am prosperity
The spirit of love and life is within me
I see on every level
I hear in every way
The universe enriches me in all ways…
That was an excerpt from Riches For Witches, the second book in The Witch Wavelength Series out NOW!
Sheena also has a podcast, The Witch Wavelength, and I’m going to be joining here there for a chat next month, so stay tuned for more details on that.
Meanwhile, you can get the Riches For Witches paperback from various places, and the ebook here.
Follow Sheena on InstagramFacebook

Katherine Genet is the author of the Wilde Grove fiction series. She has been walking a pagan path for 30 years and is a shamanic Druid, spirit worker, and priestess of  Elen of the Ways.

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