May 20, 2023

We Begin Where We Are


Part of being someone who practices living and moving in a larger reality, is realizing that this larger reality is right here with us, accessible in our everyday life.

While I visit the otherworlds, and do so in an altered state of consciousness for specific purposes, my practice and my power also means seeing the waking world from a different perspective, one that is available to all of us.

The worlds meet. They may be separated by a veil but they are still there, close up against each other. By carrying this awareness with us at all times, we can sense each while moving about our daily business. We can breathe in strength and knowledge from the otherworlds, becoming multidimensional in ways we can actually feel in mind and body, which in turn grows  the foundation of our magickal practice.

This is how we truly walk in both worlds.  

We’ve all met that person – good grief, we may even have been that person – who can’t sit still. There’s no time to relax and smell the roses, watch the birds, feel the breeze on their face, because they’re always busy busy busy. They’re addicted to action and work and doing, and every time I see them I spend a thought wondering what they’re trying to avoid with all this incessant doing. 

I love being busy. Productive days when I can look back see I got a lot done – they’re heavenly. I had a day like that yesterday. I worked on our new shop and publishing website. I looked over the dream book I’ve almost finished and worked out what was missing from it, ready to finish over the next few weeks. I finally got around to printing out a new sewing pattern and washing the fabrirc ready to cut. And I made breakfast and dinner, and ate pie.

The pie was delicious.

But I also spent quite a bit of time looking with satisfaction at the trees outside the window, the way the light played on the cut flowers I’d brought inside, and just generally being inside my skin and happy about it. The day contained many such still points, stretches of time simply appreciating the world, being grounded in it.

If busyness is our refuge, we need to ask ourselves why. Becoming truly grounded in our life might mean questioning some of it, but to be the most we can be – connected and magical – we need to be where we are, and go from there. 

Katherine Genet is the author of the Wilde Grove fiction series. She has been walking a pagan path for 30 years and is a shamanic Druid, spirit worker, and priestess of  Elen of the Ways.

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  1. Susanne

    My life has changed so much since I take time to look around the nature where I live. I’m lucky enough to be able to walk to the woods, canal and river within 10 minutes and I appreciate that so much ????

  2. Susanne

    My life has changed so much since I take time to look around the nature where I live. I’m lucky enough to be able to walk to the woods, canal and river within 10 minutes and I appreciate that so much ????

  3. Barb

    Thank you.

  4. Jennifer

    Moments of presence, appreciation and wonder ????

  5. Nina Bricker

    So very true. Your guidance on this aspect of living fully has changed my life so much for the better. Thank you always for sharing your wisdom. Blessings.???????? ????


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