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The Wisdom of the Wildwood

Welcome to the Wisdom of the Wildwood

The Art of Presence

The Art of Presence

What is 'the singing'? You will all recognise this term from the books – after all, Book 4 was named exactly that, The Singing. But someone asked me recently, what exactly the ‘singing’ is, what I mean by it. Let me tell you: there is a rhythm to life. The push and...

On Spreading Joy

On Spreading Joy

I believe wholeheartedly that we, the extra-sensory feelers walking among the rest of the world, have a critical lesson to learn. Beginning right now, we need to stop spreading joy. I'm serious. It's a trick, and I will explain. Spreading joy is the thing I thought I...

Reading the Runes

Reading the Runes

It was the early '80's and I was twelve years old, at the mall, and looking for a birthday gift for my mother. I wanted to get her something special - it had been a hard year or so for both of us. My parents had separated, and although we were all pleased about that,...

A Story from Behind the Scenes

A Story from Behind the Scenes

If you've read the acknowledgements at the end of The Gathering (and you may not have - I don't usually!) you might have noticed one sentence: The Wilde Grove series is written as part of an oath to the Lady Elen of the Ways. There's a story to that, which perhaps I...

The North Star – Book 5 Begun

The North Star – Book 5 Begun

I made a start on Wilde Grove Book 5 yesterday, The North Star. I've had an idea of what the broad storyline for The North Star will be for a few months now, but it really is a broad one, so as has become my habit now, I began the book by stepping into the Otherworld...

What Would Morghan Do?

What Would Morghan Do?

A member of my family has been having some troubles lately, that we've all had to find ways to deal with while being the greatest support possible. It's a situation that has brought to my mind the importance of calmness and clarity and considering before responding -...

Rise Up to Riches

Rise Up to Riches

I recently had the pleasure of writing a foreword for a lovely book called Riches For Witches, by Sheena Cundy. It's the second book in her non-fiction series, and she's written a fiction series as well that begins with the book The Madness and the Magic, which rather...

How To Create Sanctuary

How To Create Sanctuary

We all probably know that feeling when we've been out in a crowd, or too long around nervy and frantic people - we tend to get the jitters too, and feel tired and drained. We've probably all learnt ways to combat this, ways of grounding ourselves and putting up...

We Begin Where We Are

We Begin Where We Are

Part of being someone who practices living and moving in a larger reality, is realizing that this larger reality is right here with us, accessible in our everyday life. While I visit the otherworlds, and do so in an altered state of consciousness for specific...

Song and Spirit

Song and Spirit

Spirit has many mouthpieces in which it can communicate with us in the ordinary realm and song is one of them. Spirit is one of those words that can mean many things and song is something that can take many forms. So, I wish to be very clear by what I mean “Spirit”...

To The Forgotten Dead At Samhain

To The Forgotten Dead At Samhain

To the Forgotten Dead at Samhain: (By Athena Macmillan) Tonight in the darknessI remember those who were forgottenI memorialize you - the unknown, the unloved, the unwanted. Women who were lost to us, how did you pass?Were you old and alone, crossing over with no one...

Beltane Blessings Of Growth And Abundance

Beltane Blessings Of Growth And Abundance

Beltane Blessings! Tis the lovely month of May! Gentle, warm weather and the smell of spring rain seduce Mama Nature’s creatures – plants and animals – into Her multiplicities of seeds, catkins, and pollen.  Flowers trumpet their openness to multiply, tempting bees...