August 27, 2023

What Would Morghan Do?


A member of my family has been having some troubles lately, that we’ve all had to find ways to deal with while being the greatest support possible. It’s a situation that has brought to my mind the importance of calmness and clarity and considering before responding – while also being mindful of feelings and emotional responses.

It’s been during this time that I’ve realised the importance of having someone whose actions I can hold up as an example for my own. Oddly perhaps (or perhaps not), the person I’ve picked for this job is Morghan Wilde.

No, she’s not a real person, but I don’t think that’s a requirement. What Morghan is, is an embodiment of my own deepest convictions, an aspirational character for me, someone who has had the space in her life to walk my path to the utmost fullest.

Several months ago, I was doing a shamanic journey – travelling, as those in Wilde Grove would say – and at the end of the task for which I had performed the journey, I found myself, not leaving the Otherworld, but instead somewhere that felt familiar in an unusual way.

I stood in the middle of a road, looking around myself. To my left, I was tickled to discover The Copper Kettle, and over the other side of the road was Haven for Books. I was in Wellsford, a place of my own making, and now standing on the road for all the world as though I belonged there.

The street curved slightly, ahead of me, and I could see the church and vicarage, and then trees crowding close to the road. Someone stood there, in the shadows of the trees, as though waiting for me. I walked toward her, and saw in a few moments that it was Morghan.

I looked her over, seeing her just as I’d always imagined her, while she looked back at me, a small smile on her lips. We faced each other for a long moment, and then, without thinking, I followed my instinct, which is usually the best thing to do when travelling these other shores, and I stepped forward until Morghan and I were face to face, and then took another step, so that she and I merged and became one person.

When I came back to the waking world, I took up my pen and wrote in my journal:

Be more Morghan.

So now, especially when I need some of her calmness and clarity, I am asking myself: What would Morghan do? What would she say about this? How would she behave?

I know it’s strange, to be trying to be more like a character who is a lot like myself to begin with. But it’s working. I’m being more Morghan, and it’s helping.

Who do you remember and emulate in times of need?

Katherine Genet is the author of the Wilde Grove fiction series. She has been walking a pagan path for 30 years and is a shamanic Druid, spirit worker, and priestess of  Elen of the Ways.

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  1. Kate (Cathy Johnson)

    I suspect many of us might benefit from being more Morghan! My own journeying companion is a very old woman called Delah. She doesn’t say a lot but she is often kindly amused, and very much more patient than I am. I recently discovered she was a distant relativel…very, very distant…and of course I should have known.

    • Katherine Genet

      I’ve found this kindly amusement to be quite common among the companions who guide us. I try to remember this – to not take myself so seriously while simultaneously being sober about walking the path.

  2. Brigid

    …”not a real person”…lol, define “real”. I love what you’ve written here Katherine.

    • Katherine Genet

      You’ve really hit on something there – define real! Absolutely.

      • Gill

        Soul to soul
        Step with step
        All knowing whilst becoming ????

  3. Randy Jackson

    What a great thought tonight; loved reading this Katherine.
    At this point, I find myself drawn to Selena, but can relate to Morgan’s path, and trials…

    • Katherine Genet

      I love Selena’s wise experience and unruffled yet so human temperament. I agree that she is another whose attributes can make good guideposts.

  4. Amy

    Sadly, I do not have a “real” person. I very much keep to myself, which may or may not be a good thing. However, since I have started all these books I have found myself, many times, saying “I want to be like Morghan”. So, a goal.

    • Katherine Genet

      I find most of my guiding stars, so to speak, not among people I know each day – although I do try to take on many a worthy attribute from friends and family – but particularly growing up, I think I looked up to people I had read about, who I knew from their work and from biographies. So, “real” can be in all sorts of situations.
      And I find myself saying the same thing about Morghan.

  5. Janice

    Love your blog. Thank you. Always uplifts me big time. I love Morghan ????

    • Katherine Genet

      I love her too. She’s become quite the companion. Glad you’re enjoying the blog!

  6. Abi Rooley-Towle

    How lovely! Morghan is a wonderful archetype of a woman well balanced, aware and centred in all her gifts……the archetype I turn to is Tara- she is a female Buddha born from Compassion ( the Sanskrit seed latter Tam- which I named my second son after). She has 21 aspects but I like green tara best as this signifies wind. She comes quickly into your life with swift and notable and strong compassion. I often say/sing her mantra . It was in fact being the chant leader for her prayers at the buddhist centre I co ran years ago- that awakened my singing voice . During the prayers I often had green inner light all around me. She helps me find my strength and my kind calmness….

    • Katherine Genet

      I would love to hear you sing that mantra. I often think that compassion is the biggest gift we can bring to ourselves and each other.

  7. Catherine Canada Eddy

    OH Katherine! I love this blog! I too aspire to be more like Morghan. I have just discovered your books (I have them all now with “Becoming Morghan” on the way) through a friend and awestruck. I love all the characters and they really do feel like “real” people to me.. I feel like I am there in the Grove with them. We are having a small “Gathering” of our own at my friend’s house this Wednesday to share thoughts on your books. A sort of small book club if you like. I also love how careful everyone is about what words they say to others. They speak with intent. I was so excited to see your Facebook post that you are getting ready to go back to the Grove for book 5!!! Blessings to you, your family and everyone who lives in the Grove.

    • Katherine Genet

      I am so tickled that you’re having sort of a small book club meeting to talk about the books! Wish I could come along.
      Yes, the words we speak are so important, aren’t they?

  8. Jan

    Who is to say, with any certainly, that Morghan is not one of your soul aspects? She’s as real as you are.

    • Katherine Genet

      You are quite possibly right. She feels very real to me, and I often imagine her around.

    • Cheryl Tracy

      Yes! I’ve had the same thought. I’ve never heard Katherine’s voice but I imagine her face whenever Morghan is speaking or in a scene. When I look at Katherine’s picture, I think of Morghan. It makes the books all the more teaching aides and makes me feel that much more connected to the Grove.

  9. Brenda (aka RiverSong)

    There are many that I try to be like in different ways. When someone close to me has transitioned to the Summerland, I think about aspects of them that I admire and to honor them I try to be more like that aspect of them. And at my age there are more and more who are transitioning.

    But I also love various characters in movies, tv shows and books that have certain characteristics that I would like to have as well. And Morghan is definitely one of them. I admire her strength, knowledge and wisdom. And Selena, too. I envy the way they calmly interact with others and take things in stride. Definitely something I would like to aspire to.

    • Katherine Genet

      That is a wonderful way to honour those who have moved on to the next world. I like that very much.

      And yes – that calm way of interacting, clear, honest, and always so kind – I’ve been holding that to my heart.

  10. Ana Luís

    “Be who you are, clear and bright”
    this has always been a good support. Getting to know Morgan/you was inspiring, was a “Welcome Home”. Being more Morgan is always important when in need and she as a reference help us grow and act better in life.

  11. Cheryl Tracy

    Perhaps an odd question, but maybe not. Could Morghan be a past soul aspect of YOU? 😀

    • Cheryl Tracy

      PS Could you write a post on Soul Aspects and how they work? When we do wake up to more of them is that similar to soul retrieval work? This goes deeper than remembering past lives.

      • Kate

        Oh my goodness, what an excellent suggestion. Soul retrieval can be done for both fractured parts of a soul that has experienced trauma, but also for a soul aspect that, for whatever reason, has not made it back to the ‘oversoul’ at the end of life. I don’t understand the whole process completely and I don’t think it’s possible to from this side of things as a soul aspect enjoying life on earth, but having done both sorts of soul retrieval, I can speculate. It’s fascinating, and I’ll write down your suggestion as a topic to explore in more depth soon. Thank you!

        • Cheryl Tracy

          Kate, that’s awesome. I can’t wait to read what you write on this (these?) topics. YAY! Thank you!
          I do think they’re connected, or can be. If Macha can contact Erin and Erin can contact Krya (sorry if I misspelled that) then it works both ways…soul memory travels through that thread we spin out, right?

          • Kate

            Absolutely right!

    • Kate

      I had to think about this for a minute, and it’s not an odd question. While Morghan is fictional, Ravenna, or someone very like her, may be a past life aspect. I first met Ravenna in a travelling, or journey, and then wrote her into the book as I’d just begun The Gathering and it seemed very much like she fit into the story. In my travelling, I was Ravenna, not that that is proof of anything, of course. But it’s interesting, and I hadn’t really given it much thought before.

      • Cheryl Tracy

        I love this and laughed too because maybe you’re ‘becoming Morghan’. lol Or she’s a future self aspect. It’s like Zen riddle, maybe with the answer be BOTH! haha

        There’s a scene between Morghan and Erin where Erin’s questioning if any of what is happening to her is ‘real’, how does she know she’s not just making it up. Morghan bent down to look her right in the eyes and said: “Because you’re experiencing it.” I was so into the story – I experience it like a journey, I’m there – and I saw your face but with darker eyes or eye liner/make up. I actually leaned back a bit but my point is I experienced it as if I were Erin. That’s how potent your writing is. I’ve read A LOT of books. I’ve never EXPERIENCED one before. It’s amazing. You are gifted and keeping that vow…Morghan and you made: Teach them from the heart.

        • Kate

          This is exactly why I like fiction – because you get to experience things in a way it’s more difficult to in non-fiction. This way, when you go to practice things yourself, you have a feeling already of what it will be like. I’m glad the books are real for you in this way too.


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