A Story from Behind the Scenes

A Story from Behind the Scenes

If you’ve read the acknowledgements at the end of The Gathering (and you may not have – I don’t usually!) you might have noticed one sentence: The Wilde Grove series is written as part of an oath to the Lady Elen of the Ways. There’s a story to...
The North Star – Book 5 Begun

The North Star – Book 5 Begun

I made a start on Wilde Grove Book 5 yesterday, The North Star. I’ve had an idea of what the broad storyline for The North Star will be for a few months now, but it really is a broad one, so as has become my habit now, I began the book by stepping into the...
New Book Day One

New Book Day One

1/11/22 It’s the first of November today, and the (arbitrary!) day I decided I would begin the next book. I had meant to be working on it already, but other things got in the way, giving me barely a moment to even think about this book. I’ve flip-flopped a...